Exercise 3: Reflecting on One’s Practice in Context to the Framework
Objective: Teachers should leave this first exercise with a deeper knowledge of the Framework and its application on their teaching practice. Teachers should know how they can progress at their own pace, as well as with group exercises and reflection questions.
If this exercise is done with a small group, select one Domain. If done with a larger group, have teachers break into smaller groups of 5-8, and have each group choose a Domain.
FFT in Action Portal
Reflect on the current practice within a selected Domain (~10 minutes)
From their FFT in Action portal, ask teachers to identify one Framework domain that most resonates with their effort to improve their practice (see Exercise 1); and
Have teachers answer the self-reflection questions first or start at the Results page.
Awareness Summary
Briefly reflect on results (~10 minutes)
Ask teachers to individually review their results for each Component on their Results page
[Note: this assumes exercise 1 was completed so the teachers are familiar with the layout and can navigate across the Domains and Components].
Reflection Questions
Introduce follow-up Reflection Questions for small group discussion (~20 minutes)
On the Results page, scroll down to the Reflection Questions section and take 2-3 minutes to read them;
Identify one question to answer individually and spend ~5 minutes to write out a short answer (Note: all answers get saved in real time);
Identify one question to discuss as a group and spend ~10 minutes for group discussion; and
Have one teacher from a group share their answers with other group members.
Questions for group discussion (~10-30 minutes, depending on a group size)
Were there any patterns in the shared answers?
What are the most interesting reflections and observations?
Based on what was shared and discussed, are there any implications for the teachers' practice?